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The River Bend Bells are "At Your Service..."

Here are a few ways we can help you add a special touch of unique handbell music to your special event with either an entire program or just a few numbers.

1) Weddings: one or two numbers or the music for the entire ceremony or reception
2) Anniversary parties
3) Birthday parties
4) Seminars or Conventions
5) Background music for a dinner or special event
6) Special music as part of a program
7) An entire program of music as an evening or afternoon's entertainment
8) Background music for business luncheons or special company events
9) Community Events
10) Holiday Parties

11) After school classes for children who are interested in bells
12) Special Church Events: Handbell dedication, Pastor ordination or installation, church anniversary, honor a retiring musician, special receptions
13) Worship Services:  we can provide your entire service or participate in portion of service

OK, so it's not 101 ways yet.